What is it
Seniors First BC is a charitable, non-profit society that provides information, advocacy, emotional support, and referrals to older adults across BC who are dealing with issues affecting their well-being or rights. In addition, they assist those concerned about the welfare of an older adult.
The services offered are a mixture of psycho-social and justice-based supports to older adults. They have staff from a variety of professional fields, allowing them to approach elder abuse issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. Their legal services program includes community legal clinics available across various cities of BC.
Information line
SAIL (Seniors Abuse & Information Line) is a confidential information line for older adults and those who care about them to speak to a trained intake worker about abuse, mistreatment and any issues that impact the health and well-being of an older adult.
Telephone: 604-437-1940, Toll Free: 1-866-437-1940
Weekdays 8am to 8pm and weekends 10am to 5:30pm.
Language Interpretation is available: Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm
Website: https://seniorsfirstbc.ca
How to avail the services
No formal referral is required by clients. They can make a direct call to SAIL.
Compiled by Neeraj Khullar, (Member, Seniors Hub Council) from: https://seniorsfirstbc.ca