The South Vancouver Neighbourhood House celebrated the Grand Reopening of the South Adult Day Centre. Friends, family, clients and George Chow, the MLA for Vancouver-Fraserview, were in attendance, some via Zoom and others were there in person. Everyone enjoyed the tour of the new facility – it is a beautiful, bright, and extremely welcoming space – located in Champlain Heights (345 – 3150 E. 54th Avenue). We were honoured to have Catherine Lane, the sister of Barbara Downs, attend our event. Barbara was the second Executive Director of SVNH, who passed away recently. She was passionate about establishing a new home for SVNH which she demonstrated through advocacy, raising money, and then passing the torch in 1996 to make room for a new leader. Her dedication to the community in South Vancouver never ended and she left a generous bequest to SVNH that helped us establish a new home for the South Vancouver Adult Day Program. We thank all our donors who made furnishing and upgrading the new facility a reality – we couldn’t have done it without you.
Our Adult Day Programs provide specialized service for frail seniors and adults with physical or cognitive challenges who live independently in the community by themselves or with a caregiver.
Using a person-centered approach, we are committed to enriching the lives of our participants and supporting their caregivers. We facilitate medical and therapeutic programming which reflects individual needs, interests and abilities and provides participants with opportunities to connect with others and contribute to our community.
The programs rely on volunteers to help provide quality programming. If you are an interested student or volunteer, please contact us.
Our service is a referral-based program operating Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Referrals can be made by seniors, their families or friends by contacting Central Intake at 604-263-7377.
For up-to-date news and information go to http://svnhadc.blogspot.ca.