Do you have any thoughts, ideas and concerns for how to improve the services and seniors and older adults? The South Vancouver Seniors Hub is organizing a dialogue with the BC Seniors Advocate Dan Levitt. This is an opportunity to meet with Dan Levitt and find out his priorities and discuss the thoughts, ideas and concerns you may have. Please come and join us.
The event will be held on Tu. Feb. 18th in the Front Room of the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (6470 Victoria Dr.) from 1-3pm in the Front Room.
We have organized this event primarily for the seniors who attend South Vancouver Neighbourhood House programs, but we extend this invitation to you and your participants, so the voices of other older adults are heard and considered. Each SVNH seniors’ program has generated questions to ask the Seniors Advocate and those will be used by the moderator. (Questions may include issues that are specific to SE Vancouver.) There will also be time for questions from the floor.
General topics include:
Lack of a Primary Care Centre in SE Vancouver
Accessibility and affordability of social housing – independent, assisted, long term care
Inadequate public transportation
Lack of and affordability of home support services
Unaffordable cost of health care coverage for low income seniors, especially prescriptions, hearing aids and eye glasses
Registration is required as space is limited, please scan the QR Code on the attached poster or reply to this email to confirm your attendance and to let us know if you have any specific questions you’d like to ask.
This event is presented by:
The South Vancouver Seniors Hub & South Vancouver Neighbourhood House