Congratulations to Hub Council member Barbara Warner who has been appointed as a Patient Partner to the Primary Care Network Steering Committee in South Vancouver.  She will provide input to Vancouver Coast Health, the Vancouver Divisions of Family Practice to develop the Network which will engage with Family Physicians to connect them to their communities and provide better primary care for patients. Barbara is a long-time resident of South Vancouver and given your knowledge of health she will be a great addition to this group.

Congratulations to Hub Council member Jose Mendoza, Jose was just appointed to the City of Vancouver’s Seniors Advisory Committee.  Jose’s role on the Committee will be to advise Council and staff on enhancing access and inclusion for seniors’ to fully participate in City services and civic life; and monitor City programs to ensure that the needs of the elderly and their families are considered. The Committee reports to City Council, so there is a wonderful new opportunity to connect with the City and influence their policies.  

SVNH is thrilled these Council members voices at these tables, South Vancouver will be well represented, and we thank these community leaders for volunteering.