We have been lucky to have a cooler summer so far this year with no severe heat events, but this will likely change in the coming years.  It is important that you understand the danger of intense heat and its negative health implications.  People over the age of 65 can be more susceptible to the impacts of heat, along with children, women who are pregnant and those talking certain medications.  What was learned last year is that many folks don’t understand the danger of extreme heat (this is a new phenomenon for us on the West Coast) and didn’t take action till it was too late.  There have been a number of helpful resources created, translated and shared.  

Translated heat resources:

One-pager -This describes the signs of illness and ways to prevent heat-related illness (Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Farsi, Spanish, Punjabi, Urdu, Vietnamese) :  https://patienteduc.fraserhealth.ca/permalink/596910

Prepared BC Heat Preparedness Guide (English, French, Chinese, Punjabi): https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-management/preparedbc/know-your-hazards/severe-weather/extreme-heat